If you are a veteran that experienced combat, retired, and have health problems, you may qualify to get CRSC and VA disability for your condition.
VA Special Monthly Compensation Benefits for Housebound Veterans
If your VA disability is such that you can’t leave your home, you are probably eligible for an SMC bonus for housebound veterans. Let’s find out.
VA Annual Clothing Allowance
The VA clothing allowance can help cover the cost of clothing damaged by prosthetics, staining medicines, or other ongoing medical needs that damage your clothes.
How Much is a 10% VA Disability Rating Worth?
A 10% VA rating might not seem like something worth working toward. Once you get it, however, the benefits quickly add up.
SMC Veterans Disability Benefits: Special Monthly Compensation
SMC (Special Monthly Compensation) is given in relation to the difficulty of living a normal life. The VA might give you a disability rating of 70% on your right leg because of an injury that prevents you from working, but an SMC rating would be given because the loss of your right-hand makes it difficult for you to bathe yourself.