The VA rating for hypertension is explained by VA disability lawyer Melissa Alexander.
VA Disability Rating for Deep Vein Thrombosis
We explain the DVT VA rating and what veterans who can’t work due to this condition can do to receive additional compensation.
VA Ratings for Heart Conditions Like Arrhythmia and Tachycardia
If you have an irregular heartbeat from military service, read on to understand the VA disability rating for heart arrhythmia and tachycardia VA rating.
Getting Your VA Disability for Heart Disease
Some veterans with service-connected heart disease may be owed more than $3,700 a month in VA disability compensation.
VA Disability for Heart Surgeries
Vets with heart conditions that require heart stents, valve replacement, pacemakers, or coronary bypass may be eligible for a VA rating for heart surgery.
VA Disability for Vein Conditions Like Varicose Veins
Vein disorders can affect veterans who were immobile for long periods during service. Learn more about varicose veins VA disability ratings.