If you developed kidney disease in service, you may qualify for VA benefits from the VA. This post explains the VA rating for kidney disease.
VA Disability Benefits for Veterans with Diabetes
Veterans with diabetes often receive a VA rating for the condition and for the secondary conditions it leads to.
VA Disability Ratings for High Blood Pressure
Hypertension is common among veterans and can be service connected. Learn how the VA rates high blood pressure on and off medication.
What Qualifies as a VA Thyroid Disability?
A variety of thyroid conditions and diseases can be connected to a veteran’s military service. This article describes the VA ratings related to thyroid problems.
How is Hypothyroidism Connected to Military Service?
The VA rates hypothyroidism at 100% and 30% if you can connect it to your military service. Learn how to get VA benefits for this condition.
How Veterans Qualify for VA Disability for Hyperthyroidism
Toxic exposures and medications that treat PTSD are potential causes of hyperthyroidism that may be related to military service. Learn more about the VA rating for this condition.