When the VA makes a decision about a disability claim, it avoids stacking a veteran’s symptoms. Learn more here about the VA’s rule against pyramiding.
Can I get SSDI with 100%?
Veterans can receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) with a 100% VA rating. The Social Security Administration works independently from the VA. This means your rating from the VA will not negatively impact your SSDI claim. In fact, your rating can be used to help your case as evidence of your disability. Since the programs […]
Can I get SSDI with TDIU?
Many veterans think that receiving TDIU from the VA might prevent them from getting SSDI. This is not the case.
How to claim secondary service connection for a VA disability
Veteran can receive VA rating for any health condition that is medically related to a service-connected condition. But you won’t find a list of secondary conditions. This article explains why.
What is new and relevant evidence?
New and relevant evidence in a veterans disability claim is evidence not previously submitted to the VA for consideration that tends to prove the facts at issue in a claim. New and relevant evidence is part of the new disability benefits appeals process put in place by the Appeals Modernization Act (AMA). The AMA system […]
What VA Disability Benefits Evidence Will I Need?
There is a lot of evidence needed to have a strong VA disability case. We’ll help you gather it and present it to the VA clearly.